Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 1

Day 1 is always the toughest, or so they say. We'll see how true it is when I get into the crazy workout I  found today. My body is definitely not ready for the hardcore crossfit training video I saw today, but I am excited to try it in the future. In the past, when I jump back into a workout routine, I go super hard the first day and end up regretting it. I'm glad I became wise and found a workout that would help me ease back into the swing of things.

So here it is- as you can see I did 30 minutes of Cardio---I chose 20 minutes Elliptical and 10 minutes on the revolving stairs. For my 15 minute arm workout--I did a circuit on the arm machines- 3 sets of 10 on each machine I went to with light weight. Getting through the cardio was killer because I get bored on machines, but I pushed through.

Today I ate: 
9am Breakfast:  Plain Bagel and Cream cheese
12:30 Lunch: Cup of tomato/potato soup I made fresh last night
1:30 Snack: Yogurt and a few plantain chips
4:10 Snack 2: Banana
7:30 Dinner: Brown rice with bean sprouts, zucchini and egg
Its possible I may have a snack before bed

There you have it! Success ;)


  1. 1-I'm proud of you. 2-There is no way that I could eat only that amount of food unless the meal at dinner was giant. 3-I'm having trouble figuring out how to "follow" the blog. Please advise. :)

    1. 1. Thanks. 2. Dinner was not huge..this is pretty average for me as to what I eat everyday. 3. Scroll all the way down to the blog and it will say subscribe to:Post Comments (atom) that..its weird..hopefully i can fix it to something easier
