Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Birth and Everything After

I'm not the kind of person that gets nervous or scared about things before they actually happen. In the days before my induction, I was asked many times if I were feeling those things. I replied no, maybe not until that day. And if you think about it with an optimistic view, women have been doing this for years on end; in the hospital, at home, in the woods, jungle, caves, etc. I also knew that once that day came, any pain I felt would be over with just as fast as it came. There was an end in sight.

Tuesday, September 2nd 2014
        Our good friend Maegan came over the night before to dog/cat sit. All our animals love her and she is very trustworthy. So with that worry out of the way, we woke up at 4:30am, got dressed, grabbed the bags and off we went. Sarasota Memorial is about a 40 minute drive from my house, so in a way I was relieved to not have gone into labor beforehand. We made it to the hospital and registered by 6 and were directed to our birthing suite. We got set up, I put my gown on and met my nurse (who was awesome) and laid in bed until my doctor came. He checked me and I was measuring at 3cm and 60% effaced . He inserted some medicine to make my cervix thin out even more and then left the room (approx. 7:00am). I never really felt anything- so all was well. The Dr. came back at 8:30 and broke my water. Now let's reflect on this moment a second- In my husband's words it looked as though "someone was throwing a bucket of water from inside out". I'm not sure anything could prepare first time Mom's for this experience. I am thankful however, that this didn't happen on it's own in public. You literally would just stand in a puddle. I made my way to the bathroom when I'm pretty sure my mucous plug came out and then there was blood. I asked the nurse if that was supposed to happen and she said yes. I guess I missed the part of birthing 101 where they say "after the dam has been broken you shall bleed for eternity".  At 8am the Pitocin was administered. Things really didn't get real until about 11. We spent the morning chatting with our nurse and getting to know her, watching HGTV and my Mom and Chelsea came in that time span as well. And then the contraction from hell came. It was so long and mildly painful. The nurse even was shocked to see it go on for that long. She didn't want the baby to crash so she pumped me with some fluids and I thought it would be wise to get the epidural before it got any worse.

      In the months before giving birth, you have to go watch a movie about getting an epidural so that you are able to get one; a pre-qualification if you will. If you think that getting a needle inserted into your spinal column is freaky, well.... it is. The feeling is uncomfortable. The Dr. administering it was very soft spoken and kind, however she poked me several times before finding the spot that didn't hurt me in one side of my back or the other. Once that medicine hit, I felt next to nothing. So much so that my legs would just fall to the side by themselves and that was just hilarious. Nurse Denise had to insert a catheter (#1-this is important later) since I was feeling nothing from the waist down. I don't remember too much at this point. I know we were watching Cupcake Wars on TV, my mom and Chelsea went to eat lunch, then my husband. My cervix was checked from time to time. At 4pm it was crunch time. I was just about 10 and Denise asked if I would like to start pushing. I wasn't against getting this thing over with! So with Chelsea on my left, my Mom on my right and my husband up by my head (because he was not allowed to watch the process) I began to push. A few good pushes and they told me they could see hair--- but this is where it got difficult. I could not make it past this point. I tried, and tried. They stopped the medicine getting pumped into the epidural so that I could feel the contractions and push with them. My doctor came in and he took over at this point. Then it got a little scary. In between pushes, I was asked to roll on my side because the baby's heartbeat would slow or she was in distress, I don't know- it was kind of a blur at that point. The pain was beginning to set in and when I would push, I felt like throwing up- which I was desperately trying not to do. Next I remember seeing a scalpel. "Oh crap- ,He's cutting me" was what came to mind. Of course I didn't feel it, but I knew it was happening. I also remember the nurse saying she wanted to give the baby more room and cathed me again (#2) so my bladder would empty. With lots of words of encouragement from everyone and about an hour of pushing- out came baby Jessica at 5:20pm. Her cord was wrapped around her neck, and I was later told that the cord was extremely long so they were not surprised that it was wrapped. She threw her arms up in the air and opened her eyes. She was very alert and very vocal. And then she was placed on my chest. I waited for that feeling- the one everyone tells you about the first time you hold your child- this euphoric, crazy love. Mmm.....nope. Nothing. I felt happiness, relief, and just wanted to look at her a while to see every feature but she was whisked away to get cleaned up, measured, weighed, etc. OK so what was going on down there?? I always wondered what the delivery of the placenta was going to be like--but I was still somewhat numb and felt nothing but poking and prodding, and eventually saw stitching. Eek. Now from here on out, I'm not sure of the order that things went, but I'll tell you what I remember. When I got the baby back, I nursed her... for 30 min on one side. Bad move. What's worse is that later I found out that she wasn't latching right and that was the reason it hurt so badly. Next the nurse asked me to get up and go to the bathroom. So I did and without any issues. I got to wear the famous mesh undies with a nice ice pack in them. Everyone was taking turns holding the baby and taking pictures and then after a short time, I was able to go up to my  recovery room.

   I met my new nurse once in my room and was visited by the baby's Godfather and my own father. It was fun to get to see my dad hold my daughter. He looked so happy. In between these visits the nurse would come in and press on my belly... Hey no one warned me about this crap! Apparently they do this so that they can make sure all the placenta has come out and you don't get some crazy horrible infection. It feels pretty horrible honestly. I had to pee- so I went into the bathroom... but nothing! The nurse gave me some tips on how to get my parts functioning again (using the squirt bottle, doing Kegels, relaxing, etc.) but nothing happened. She told me I would have to get cathed if I didn't go after 6 hours. Ok well, surely I would try everything in order for that not to happen. After 15 minutes of "Zenning" it out in the bathroom a second time--- nothing! My bladder was so full. I hit the six hour mark at like 11pm and I told the nurse I needed relief. Her demeanor was so crappy, I really wanted to hit her. She called in another nurse who was amazing and got my cath in so quickly (#3). My nurse said "OH you filled the whole bag!" once she came back and saw the bag o'pee. I really could have killed her at this point. So she chalked it up to sometimes your lady parts don't wake up fully after an epidural. Okay, that makes sense to me. I attempted to nurse the baby from the left side and again-pain and blistering. The right side had already started to scab over. There was no way I could touch that one again. As my husband, the baby and myself drifted off to sleep, the nurse came in at 1am LOUD and asked HOW YOU DOING!? LADY!!! I don't know if you noticed but I just gave birth and have been here all day- I'm trying to sleep! My husband was just as annoyed as I was. And then I had to pee again! But nothing came out and I felt defeated at this point. I told the nurse I didn't care if they had to cath me again, but I seriously had to go. ANOTHER nurse (coincidentally her name was Jacky) came in (not the same pretty one from last time) and tried to put on in--- and failed! She had to call the pretty one in who did it in record time. (#4) They left this one in overnight. Time to nurse again---SO PAINFUL. I told jerk nurse #1 and nurse Jacky that I don't think I was able to let the baby latch on again it was incredibly painful and the right one was stabbed already. They basically told me to suck it up buttercup but used more colorful words that I didn't care to hear. I was trying my best, but clearly it wasn't working out. I know breastfeeding probably would be uncomfortable but not like that. At 4AM nurse Jacky thought it was necessary to give the baby her first bath. WHAT!? This can't wait til like 7am?? I didn't understand why sleep wasn't a priority at this point in time. Since I had a cath- my husband took care of this process with the nurse and then we rested until shift change at like 7. So yes, pretty much zero sleep.

I was so happy to get rid of those two nurses, my next nurse was like a damn angel. I think her name was Susan. I promptly told her that I was having trouble nursing, I would be happy to try to pump, but my stuff was totally bloody and raw I couldn't have the baby latch on. I also thanked her for being so nice and I didn't want to punch her out like the last nurses. She sort of laughed at that. I may be a little intimidating. Next the pediatrician came in, but not ours. It was Dr. Keeley, who works in the same office, but I was very firm in my decision that I did not want her though many friends had recommended her. So when she told me who she was, I said- "OH I heard so much about you". But I was laughing inside. And so she began to sing and check the baby over. LMAO. I will never forget the look on my husband's face while he was watching and listening to her check the baby. She said the baby looked strong and perfect. After she left my husband was like, wtf!? Haha!! I explained who she was and that her singing was exactly why we could not have her as the baby's doctor to which he quickly agreed. My doctor came in and I told him about the catheters, to which he told the nurse- take it out, she will pee on her own today. He also told me I could go home today if I wanted, but only if I pee on my own. You bet your sweet pants I was going to pee on my own. I wanted out of that hospital ASAP. Nurse Susan, however didn't like that idea. She and a few others thought it would be a good idea if I stayed. No way in hell. The first thing I did was pee- yes- on my own. Then we would make our way down to the discharge class, which was taught by a dance mom who I've known for years. I felt so ill throughout the entire class but I'm sure it was from blood loss and low sugar. So I sat through class and sipped apple juice and waited till I could go back to bed. My mom came in and got the baby, and helped me back to the room. Everything was shifting downward in my body- organs and guts. UGH such a gross feeling. A short time later, Sheera (the dance mom) came in and helped the baby to latch on properly. I was grateful for the help, but I was already raw and blistered it was painful still. This is when I asked nurse Susan for formula as a supplement. Man, these nurses sure knew how to guilt you for not breastfeeding your baby. I felt no shame. I physically wasn't able to, but I wasn't giving up. I just needed time to heal. 6PM Shift change again. New nurse- Suzanne. Loved her. The baby got a hearing test and passed, and then Suzanne had to get her blood tests to send to the lab. We could not get cleared to leave until they all came back and Dr. Keeley was contacted. My mother in law came to visit as well as Mandy and Bella. Mom brought us homemade chicken soup to eat for which I was so grateful because I had zero appetite, but I can always eat soup! I fed Jessica formula and felt better knowing that she was getting as much food as she needed. Finally around 10:30 they brought in my discharge paperwork and we packed up and went home.

Looking back on this experience, I am disappointed on how I was treated by those two night nurses. I'm not an idiot. I know that breast milk is the best option for your baby. I also know when my freaking bladder is so full I'm going to have urine coming out of my eyeballs. I'm sure in training, they are supposed to be encouraging to new mothers because breastfeeding isn't always easy. But their ways of encouragement were not appropriate. Ultimately it is my body, and my baby. Listen to ME. Perhaps doing their job day in and day out they may get desensitized, but that is a poor excuse where I'm concerned, especially when they deal with brand new mothers. I am appreciative of my labor and delivery nurse who seemed to have a much harder job than my doctor did. She sat with me all the way through. I promised her I would have that baby before her shift was over, but not before she would have to tend to someone else and we achieved that goal together. She was assuring and a straight shooter, just like I like 'em.   Part two to come. xo-JV

Monday, August 25, 2014

Week 38

       A perpetual state of uncomfortableness- that sums it up. All basic actions of life usually have to be performed with modifications. Sleeping (if there is any) must be done so in segments; Fall asleep sitting up, wake up and pee, switch positions, rinse and repeat 4 more times. Eating must happen in small portions because there is just no more room in there for both a meal and a baby. Walking is done in moderation because the pressure in my pelvis is just too much to handle. Sitting down for more than 5 minutes requires a new position every 5-10 minutes. And everywhere I go, I need my Tervis full of ice cold water. I think I might drink the equivalent of a swimming pool daily, which means I'm visiting the bathroom that often as well.  This pregnancy has been quite the experience, but it's time for it to be over.

       This week I had the privilege of putting life in perspective. I was driving home from work on Friday and was about 2-3 miles from our exit on the interstate when traffic began to slow and in a matter of minutes dozens of emergency vehicles were passing by in the emergency lanes. I knew it had to be very bad after seeing EMS Supervisors, 3 fire trucks and countless police fly past me. I could see people in my rear view getting out of their cars, trying to catch a glimpse of what happened, talking on their phones angrily because they were stuck. Eventually they closed the interstate and turned us all around to detour back to the last exit. I thought to myself, "it would really suck if I went into labor right now" And after driving for 2 1/2 hours on a trip that is typically 25 minutes, I made it home to my husband. I still had my life, while someone else did not. Even if I went into labor, I'd still be alive- I would have been taken to the hospital by one of the many emergency vehicles rerouting traffic and I would have been fine. Sure my bladder was really full, but I made it back just fine.  On my way to work there was another fatality accident  where again I was thankful for my life. I sure will pray for those families that lost their  loved ones.

     And finally- My last doctor's appointment was today. I'm still 2cm dilated, she is still head down. I felt minor disappointment today knowing that those painful "contractions" did nothing to my cervix (well maybe it thinned out...but whatever!) However, the end is in sight. My doctor has scheduled me to be induced on September 2nd. He asked me last week if I would want that and I said I would consider. My doctor would be the one to deliver the baby, and I could have the epidural at anytime (he said that...that won me over). I debated even writing this because I know there are so many people out there that have their opinions about getting induced and the baby will come out when ready- but this is my body and my daughter's birth - I get to choose. You are more than welcome to share your opinion or voice your concerns but she has 7 days to vacate the premises or she is getting evicted.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

36 weeks and Reality

Reality is sometimes a hard thing for people to digest. They often times turn a blind eye to the truth or maintain this picture of what "it" is going to be like. Whatever "it" is, I often times like to know the ins and outs of "it", what "it" could possibly be like even though the experience may vary from person to person or through time and space. I want all the scientific knowledge laid out in front of me. That has been my approach with many things in my life, and my "it"; Pregnancy. For me knowledge is power. The power to prepare my mind (and sometimes my body) for what will come my way. And though I may not fully understand any scenario until I experience it, I can understand what is happening while it is occurring and perhaps eliminate some fear and have the ability to cope. Pregnancy has often been portrayed to me as a beautiful thing. I often hear women talk about the "glow" and the amazing time they had during their pregnancy. I've been very real about how I feel about pregnancy, and the only thing amazing to me is that my husband and I have created a life; there is a human being living in my body and I can feel her live. She is exactly one half of me and half of my husband and I get to hold her and love her at the end of this journey. The other parts of pregnancy can take a long walk off a short pier (except the luxurious hair...I'll keep that). I can't say that I've been surprised by anything that has happened to my body because I researched and asked about it. I asked for the ugly truth and I was thankful that I got it. The one thing that I did underestimate however, is just how damn tired I would be- both in the first trimester, and in this last month. In preparing for labor, I have been doing more reading of course, but I received a piece of information that makes me smile right now as I'm writing this. One of my very "real" dance moms said to me the other day, "Can I tell you something?" I said of course. She said, "You are going to feel like your dying, but your not. The pain is like nothing you have felt and you will think you are dying but you won't". Perfection must be that woman's middle name because I needed to hear that. That was her reality, and she was kind enough to share it in a very raw and real way with no sugar coating on top.

My 36 week appointment was a quick in and out visit. They had to do the swab for Streptococcus B and I thought he may check me to see if things were progressing at all down there...but no, he said next week. When my doctor entered the room he asked how I was doing and I said "I'm very pregnant". He chuckled and said "Well that's a good thing". I laid down so he could measure my fundus (curvature of my stomach) and he said "Whoa! You really are pregnant!" And then it was my turn to laugh. Baby's heartbeat was perfect, I still am weighing in at 24 lbs gained and my blood pressure was normal. I've been feeling like my period is going to start between once and twice a day, a few Braxton Hicks here and there, and some round ligament pain in my side. Otherwise, I feel just fine. My husband is installing the car seat this weekend, and I ordered the last bits of important things (baby swing, breast pump). I am just looking for curtains I like. Tomorrow I will visit another pediatrician since the first one was a big NO for both of us. My hospital bag is almost completely packed. Can I just say that I miss work. Not many of us are blessed to have a job we love- but I love mine and I have been putting in a few hours here and there, but I miss my real schedule. I miss dancing without physical limitations. And those who think I'm crazy for not wanting to take copious amounts of time off, yes I may be crazy in your eyes but my reality is that I love what I do and I can do anything- even with a baby strapped to my chest.
Have a great week everyone! xo-JV

Monday, July 28, 2014

Week 34 and Hitting the Proverbial Wall

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of fun, busy with family and friends and trying to get the last things checked off on the to-do list. My birthday/baby shower weekend was amazing. My awesome husband flew my cousin in and my aunt and uncle also flew in (but that was a total surprise). We received wonderful gifts at the shower and continue to be blessed with the things that we need for this little girl when she gets here. It took me a few days to recover from all the fun and I also taught my last classes of the summer last week.

I don't think I've ever felt so tired in my life. This is it... the home stretch, but it feels like a battle that continues to climb uphill and that hill is getting steeper and steeper. Visits to the doctor have been every two weeks and today was particularly interesting. My doctors office is located across the street from the hospital; there is a parking garage in which I always park on the 2nd floor, walk down a flight of stairs, cross the street and take the elevator up to the 8th floor to the doctor. Up until today I always took those stairs like a champ, feeling great and never had a complaint. Today I wished for a wheelchair, an ice water, and the elevator.  This weekend my husband told me I looked so miserable. The truth is, I feel miserable. I want to live in the frozen food isle at the grocery store because its the only place that I feel cool. Sleeping is increasingly difficult and some mornings I'm up at 4:30. When I shift positions, it is often painful because the baby is weighing so heavy to one side, she too has to adjust. I can't take naps due to my migraines and I'm so tired of food. Many of you just laugh at that, but it is so true. I'm so sick of eating. I don't even want to look at food anymore! Previously I would see women at the grocery store or randomly around town looking disheveled, no makeup, hair in ponytail, clothes that don't matter.... this is now me. My passion for makeup is so big, but I can't even bare to do it now more than a few times a week. This is the wall. I've hit it. I can do nothing else but wait 6 more weeks for this angel baby to get here.

Although the trek from the parking garage was hot and tiring, my doctor's appointment went well. Heart beat sounded great, I gained 3 lbs (total of 24 now) and the doctor estimates the baby is around 4 pounds right now. I see him again in 2 weeks and get my Streptococcus test then. After that It's every week! She has been head down since my last visit and continues to be in that position. I've been having a little anxiety about the actual delivery, but I think its more because I don't know when it will happen (control freak right here) than because of the pain. I can endure pain because I know it will end at some point. But for now- keep baking the bun! Xo- JV

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Delivery Horror Story

Every Mom has a story to tell you; about their pregnancy, about the birth of their child, about how different one child is to the next, the good, the bad, and the unpleasantness of being awake all hours of the night. One of the first thing someone said to me when I got pregnant was not to listen to the delivery horror stories. Everyone is different, every delivery is different and I should not let someone's horror story scare me. I didn't realize how important that was until yesterday. 

As I'm talking to another Mom about their child, they bring up that they had a midwife and gave birth at home (which I applaud every time). She continued her story with 38 hours of labor, an over 9lb baby and having to basically poison herself with castor oil to get her labor going. At this point, I may have had a look of "OH MY...What the?" on my face. She also let me know that so many times, the doctors at the hospital wanted to induce her because she was past 40 weeks and because of her weight. She ignored them all and had the baby at home at 42 weeks; again Bravo! Then she started to bash the hospital I will be delivering in (not knowing I was going to deliver there). She said they have a 38% emergency c-section rate, and that 7 of her girlfriends had their babies there and they were ALL c-sections. No matter what my birth plan says they will try to bully me into starting my labor/breaking my water/ etc. etc. etc. At this point, all I could do was listen and nod politely because I just couldn't believe my ears. After finishing her rant, she asked what my plan was. I smiled and said where I would be delivering, who my doctor was and initially I did want a c-section but because of timing and work, I will try to deliver my baby with an epidural. She was a little taken aback, and I'm sure wondering if she had offended me. I explained that I am not one to be bullied into anything regardless the situation. She explained that you are in a different state of mind, and that I would be more easily persuaded. Again I just nodded and accepted what she said (she doesn't really know me very well). After she left, I sat and thought to myself a few minutes before proceeding with my day. I wanted to thank the person who told me not to pay attention to such horror stories (though for the life of me, I can't remember who it was) and second, I thought about my doctor and how I trust him. If the baby or myself were truly in danger, he would tell me without hesitation and I am not opposed to a little help so I'm not in agony for hours and hours trying to deliver the baby.

To this woman I would like to say "Thank You". Thank you for giving me that "horror story" that I was warned about and sharing your birthing story with me. I'm not scared because I know that the pain is temporary and so many women before me have done it, with or without drugs, c-section or not. However it happens, I'll hold my baby in my arms at the end of it all and will have another story to share with others.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Week 30

       When I hit the 30 week mark this Saturday, my brain kicked into overdrive with all the things that needed to get done before this baby gets here. I basically want to redo my entire house. LMAO! It's not going to happen, but if I could, I would get every surface repainted, cleaned, organized, and decluttered. So the nesting has begun. The baby's carpet has been washed and is simply awaiting the arrival of furniture.

         I went to the doctors today and from this day forward, I will see him every 2 weeks, then eventually once a week.  Now before you read any more- this is my disclaimer. If you are squeamish, prude or don't care to know about the harsh realities of pregnancies- DO NOT READ ON. If you can't hear or say the word VAGINA or discuss bodily functions---turn back now--- you have been warned!

                Since the very beginning of this pregnancy I have said, this isn't for me. There is nothing about this that makes me think I want to do this again. And for all of you who are saying, "yes but you will change your mind once you hold that baby", I say- You don't know who you are talking to. There is no doubt in my mind that I will not want to do this again. AND I am black and white- there is no grey. I will tell you how it is, no matter the circumstance (and some people think I'm a bitch for this) but that is why this blog is called Reality Check. Now, I understand that there will be this crazy amazing love for my child, and I will never be in love with anything so much in my life once I hold her. But everything leading up to it is unpleasant, and not so beautiful. The ONLY part of this pregnancy that has been fun is watching and feeling her move, but even then she sometimes hurts. I'm 18 lbs heavier and this isn't an easy thing for me to live with.  The thought of gaining 5-10 more lbs is killing me. I'm already really uncomfortable and sleeping has become a game of which pillow goes where and how many times can I get up to pee. The doctor says to me today "The baby is growing like a weed"! Translation- This kid is going to rip you a new one.   He then says "She is trying to be in breech position". Translation- C-section. LOL I know a lot can change in the next couple of weeks but that's literally what runs through my head.

             I have also hit the point of zero patience. My partner in crime (my husband) is also pregnant (didn't you know?) He has the cravings, the weight gain, and though he may deny it - the mood swings. He too wants to redo the entire house and do all these home improvement projects. The two of us together on a bad day is no good. Snappy, bitchy horrible people we become. I have zero tolerance for bullshit and half the time I don't even want him to look at me. In talking about the delivery of our baby, I told him that I DO NOT want him to watch that kid come out of me...and like hell if I will let anyone video or photograph. He said that he was going to watch and I said no way!  Now- in keeping the love alive in the bedroom and being nothing but beautiful in his eyes, I have NEVER gone to the bathroom in front of this man or even passed gas (girls don't fart don't you know?). That's right- In the 7 years together----never once did I let this happen. Of course being a military man, he can do anything in front of me without hesitation, but really I don't care for any of my senses to be violated that way. Haaa! So I said to him, "what if I shit myself while I'm pushing this kid out!?" He just laughed and shook his head. But seriously this is a huge concern of mine! Not only is he watching a watermelon emerge from my body, but then he has to see my bodily fluids and no no...this just won't do. This totally kills the magic and mystique I've worked so hard to create!

      I cannot wait for this rollercoaster ride to be over. I would rather have a crying baby in my arms than no control over my body any day. When my boobs don't lay on my stomach when i sit down, I'll be a really happy gal. T minus 10 weeks to go. C'mon September!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Weeks 25-29

Recital has consumed my life for the past few weeks. There was very little time for me to take care of me, and bless my poor husband... even less time for him. Between picture week, extra rehearsals, evaluations, dress rehearsal, parties, etc. there wasn't much time to think of baby preparations. Luckily, my wonderful other half painted the baby's room on a day that I was gone. Her colors are lavender and gray (just one wall is gray) and the theme will be butterflies and flowers. In the coming weeks, the crib and dresser will be purchased and put in the room and hopefully an upholstered glider (rocking chair that looks like a big comfy one-seater couch). I'm super visual and need the furniture to go in before I can find matching portraits and accessories. This week I'm working on washing the carpet to get ready for the furniture that we will hopefully have in the next 2 weeks.

I had my glucose test in week 27 as well as an ultrasound. My weight gain was at 15 lbs total and my glucose test came back normal (yay!). The ultrasound needed to be done to see my cervix, as I've had surgery on it twice before. But that too looked normal (double yay!). The baby was hiding her face the first time around (they did an external, and then internal ultrasound), but I think once the glucose hit she woke up and flipped. The minute I saw her face, she yawned! Coolest thing to see.

And then I got to see her in 3D...We think that she may have some serious hair going on and check out those fingers!

I think she has my husband's nose, but he disagrees. Guess we will just have to see. The doctor said she is in the 60th percentile for babies and she looks really good! And finally some belly comparison pics so you can see the POP happen lol. I still have people come in to work and say "whoa I never knew you were pregnant!" There is no mistaking it now !