Monday, June 24, 2013

Falling off the Bandwagon

My life, like so many other's, is cyclical. Mine just happens to be in rhythm with the dance season. Here is how it goes: August: You feel your best and look your best for all those new families you meet at the beginning of the dance year. November: You are running out of juice and you desperately want a vacation. December: Xmas vacation couldn't come soon enough and you gorge on all the holiday goodies you receive from your students, then gorge some more on all the holiday foods that your friends and family have prepared. January: New Year New YOU! Working out as much as humanly possible because you feel refreshed and revived after that 2 week break.  April/May: Competition Season has you slipping a little. May/June: RECITAL SEASON in full swing.....your eating habits and sleeping patterns are thrown right out the window! SUMMER: AHHHHHHH! Thank God its over....Now back to your regularly scheduled life.

Back when I started this blog (In January...time coincidence...I think not!) I had more than one goal. First and foremost was to see how all these crazy workouts really worked on my body. Second was to be in shape for a surprise gift for my husband on our anniversary. I wanted to be in the best shape of my life for a boudoir photo shoot. Since deciding we were going to try for a baby this year, I knew that this might be the last opportunity to look this way. My Grandma stayed tiny after she had 4 kids, my Mom has insane stretch marks after birthing my brother and I (Battle scars...thanks Mama). I have NO idea what my body will do and I wanted something to remind me and my husband what perfection (yeah I said that) looked like on my body. I didn't achieve the look I wanted in the time I had......So I crash dieted. I eat very minimal calories, workout like a dog, and BOOM - after 2 weeks of a little suffering, I get the results I want. It has never been a big deal to me to cut weight this way until now.  Those pounds I took off came crashing back after Recital season and now I feel huge. Here we are in summer and I am back to normal.

I don't like these cycles. I want to be able to eat clean and workout throughout the year regardless of what season it is. How do I make this happen? I have no idea but I'm going to attempt this season. My husband and I have a tropical trip planned for August and I would like to get to a better place before then. No crash diets, only goodness and workouts until then. I'm starting today, with my Spirutein shake (made with lactose free organic fat free milk, a banana and a handful of strawberries) and a Pilates class this morning. Will I wake up sore tomorrow--OH YES..but I look forward to it.