Sunday, January 13, 2013

5 6 and 7---What a Bust

Some evil forces were against me this week. I get migraines- they are debilitating for me and the world has to stop soon after the onset or bad things happen. I'm allergic to chocolate, caffeine, coffee and dark rum. If I ingest these, it triggers a migraine. I also get it from changing my sleeping patterns, which is precisely how I received this migraine.  I went to Washington D.C. with my husband for New Years and was not on any type of schedule. One week later (this is the normal time period after a vacation), I get my migraine. I felt it coming a few minutes before I started to teach my class. I popped my meds (which lessens the wrath, but does not make it go away) and had to teach through two classes. On my way home, I was desperately trying not to vomit in my car. I was supposed to go to the gym after work that day, but instead I went home, puked, and layed in bed till 11. At 11, I got up for more meds, dry cereal (so I could take my meds and not kill my stomach), and water then went back to sleep.

Friday Food:
Bagel with cream cheese
Organic Mac and Cheese
No dinner
Dry cereal

Saturday was a day full of teaching. Unfortunately, the day after a migraine isn't pretty either. It feels like someone tore open my skull and punched my brain. More meds, lots of water and praying to make it through the day. There was no way I could workout with that pain.

Breakfast- From Peach's- 1 egg over hard, rye toast, home fries and fruit
Lunch- Cliff Bar
Snack- 1/2 peanut butter sandwich
Dinner- Multi grain pasta with butter and parmesan cheese
Snack- 4 cookies (yeah after that crappy night I deserve them!)

Today (Sunday) I was supposed to do 15 minutes of cardio--I cleaned the house instead. I took down the Christmas lights on the roof, put away ALL the inside decorations, did laundry, dishes, etc. etc. Tomorrow I will be back at it in full force.

Breakfast- Bagel and Cream Cheese
Lunch- Grilled Cheese and a few chips
Snack-More chips (BAD GIRL!)
Dinner- Home Made Chicken soup and tortellini

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