Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Tomorrow I reach 9 weeks. I have not been sick at all this week and had minimal indigestion and God, I am so thankful! I've been hungry, but not for anything in particular... except this one weird time I wanted Raman Noodles (which I haven't eaten in years). As I woke up in bed yesterday morning, I stretched my arms overhead and lengthened my legs and ooh! Did I do an ab workout yesterday? Nope. The answer is, my uterus is expanding to twice it's normal size this week (WHAT!?). That's some serious growing and it caused me to wake up to pee 6 times last night. Ree-dic-Q-less. I'm pretty sure I slept walked to the bathroom about half those times.

I'm having an increasingly hard time dressing for work. My shirts need to be a little on the baggy side because right now it looks like I've gained a few pounds and I don't want to be mistaken for a lazy dance teacher. I just want to say "I'm just pregnant people!" so they become sympathetic to my weight gain. I doubt it is much more than a few pounds, but it is incredibly noticeable to me and if I see it, someone else has too! As long as all goes well at the doctors on the 18th, we can make our big announcement in 2 short weeks. And then I can start pinning all the baby ideas on my Pinterest account that my heart desires!  It's the little things!

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